Life is difficult.

Sometimes we struggle with our relationships. Sometimes we find ourselves feeling stuck, confused or just plain sad. And sometimes it can all become overwhelming.

Harry Corsham helps you to step back from the day-to-day, to explore your personal challenges, put some perspective around your experience of living, and feel better equipped to move forward through life.

Close-up image of colourful bark on an Austrlian gum tree.
Harry Corsham in a white T shirt, by a window

Harry’s Approach

Working with individuals, couples and groups, and with clients of all ages, Harry has a particular interest in supporting young adults and adolescents - those who are struggling with the challenges of moving from childhood to adulthood or with finding their place in the adult word.

Harry has a humanistic orientation, with a person-centred approach which respects that you are the expert in your own life. Integrating a psychodynamic perspective, which recognises that left to its own devices, the past can shape the future, Harry’s practice draws on a range of therapeutic modalities to suit the particular needs of the individual client.

Harry is a certified practising member of the Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) and a member of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA). He has a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Masters in Counselling & Psychotherapy.

Each of us has our own unique identity, cultural profile and worldview.

With every client, Harry approaches his work with cultural humility.

Whoever you are, you are welcome here.

You have the right to feel safe.

You have no need to be judged.

Colourful lichen covering a rock on Cradle Mountain, Tasmania.

If your relationships cause you difficulty,

if you are suffering grief or loss,

if you live with the experience of trauma,

or if life is simply getting on top of you,

please make contact.